Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear Mom,

Photographs from 'Project 10' a collaborative and community based photography project about survivors of breast cancer.

Them. Us. We.

Social Documentary photographer Milton Rogovin recently celebrated his 100th birthday. These photographs are from his series 'Family of Miners'.

Oh, Sarah Schorr!

I very much adore Sarah Schorr's series entitled 'Memento'. Unfortunately, I am unable to post any of her photographs on here seeing as to how she has copyrighted all of her images. I am also unable to procure any via Google search engine. Please do visit her website though and check out her stuff!

The Man Who Also Made Work About His Family.

I am supposed to research and give a presentation about the history and work of Mitch Epstein at some point. We both have apparently made work about our families.